Monday, September 24, 2012

theme on "the story of us"

At the beginning of the story of us (written by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler), it is obvious that Josh and Emma have known each other for a really long time perhaps even their whole life, but at the moment, Josh and Emma are feeling extremely awkward and try to ignore each other (though it is hard since they have the same best friends!).

I think that the story actually is some sort of journey based on their friendship/relationship. At the beginning of the story, Josh and Emma are the farthest thing close to friends. They ignore and avoid each other. For example, in the text, the authors quote "Before last November, Josh and I wouldn't have been standing awkwardly in the doorway. My mom would have let him in and he would have jogged up straight to my room."

But after they both discovered the strange website found on the computer, I think their friendship would have been ruined! But together as they find out the future, as much as they start becoming good friends, tensions rise... Emma's future is, well, c<>p compared to Josh's (who marries the hottest/richest girl in his school!)
For example in the text, Emma does everything in her power to try and get her future to be great including finding out who her future husband would be, call him, find out what college he college he went to , and making sure she didn't go to that particular college!

In conclusion, with all the ups and downs of the story, it is obvious that Emma and Josh need each other, for life. Anyone can tell that even before reading the end of the story! They are meant for each other!

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