Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Lorax

How does this text make you think about justice in the world?

     After Reading the Lorax by Dr Seuss, I was kind of confused. The Once-ler had come to this land for a small business, and after time he had completely ruined the environment. The once-ler came to a beautiful land were everybody was happy, and when he left, there was not one truffula tree left standing. He had taken them all, and destroyed them for the material. All the animals left that were all once happy. The air was filled with gas.
After Reading that I immediately thought to my self- this is horrible. Everyone was living happy before he came, and killed the land. When everyone was gone, The Once-ler was the only one left, in the miserable land that had been destroyed.
This reminded me of the outside world. How people come to amazing lands like rainforests and destroy the forest just to make buildings/businesses. What about the people who lived in that forest? Or the animals that lived there happily. And the smell of the freshest air for the land was filled with trees.
People destroy millions of homes, and do it greedily for themselves.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ned Vizzini Beginning of book response

Are there groups you belong to in this text? What do they look like here? If your own groups are missing, what would they say if they were in the book?

            I just started reading the auto biography by Ned Vizzini, and at one point in the story, he writes about all the different groups there are at his school. For example, there are the geeks, the drug addicts, the preppies and all sorts of funny groups. I think then one group that I belong to in his classification would be preppie. Ned Vizzini says that preppies wore okay clothes, didn't smell bad, all recognized each other from the first day of school and always seemed to be doing something. I admit, when I came to this school from Europe, I didn't recognize anyone at all for obvious reasons. But every time I join a club, or go to a camp, there are always a bunch of people I know, and we just hang out. We are always playing basketball or chatting-we always have something to do. But in the book, preppies seem kind of anti-social with people they don’t know. They also seem really posh, not really my style.                                                                                                             
If preppies weren't included in the book, I definitely think it wouldn't really change anything because the characteristics they have are definitely included in other types of groups.  For example, geeks always hang together and never socialize with other people like the preppies.