Tuesday, April 30, 2013


EC Poem on Romeo
Oh Rosaline my dear why can’t it be?
Thou denies my love and it's so obscene
I am so sad like fish in the Dead Sea,
Forget her I must go to a party,
And get my mind off such tomfoolery.
(At Capulets Party)
Who is that beauty dancing like a queen
Eyes like the sea- purely unique
Her love is tender like the shiny moon,
I must go talk to her- step out of my cocoon
For I have been blinded from beauty before seeing this
I think I love her- I need a kiss. 

Romeo and Juliet Final Assignment 4/30/13

Romeo and Juliet Final Assignment

Question 3- How does the character (Romeo) develop and change in the story? What theme or message is shown through these changes?

            Sometimes love changes us and makes us into a different person we once were. This was the case in William Shakespeare’s play- Romeo and Juliet written in the 16th century. Romeo, one of the main characters, meets his soul mate Juliet, and instantly transforms into a new person. He was gloomy at the beginning of the book, but as he met Juliet he suddenly became elated and peaceful. When Julia “died” Romeo becomes angry, furious and of course sad. Romeo develops throughout the story going from heart broken and in grief, to happy and joyful, to finally devastated as he could no longer see his love until the day she “passes away”.

            Romeo started off being troubled, heartbroken and even depressed. At the time he loved Rosaline who rejected him, which left poor Romeo abandoned and unloved. Romeo would wonder around the streets as hours felt long. He felt that no other girl could replace Rosaline’s beauty and he would be alone for the rest of his life. Romeo quotes- “A sick man in sadness makes his will- / A word ill urged to one that is so ill. / In sadness, cousin, [To Benvolio] I do love a women.” (Shakespeare 1.1. 210-213). The text evidence shows that Romeo feels like a “sick man in sadness”. He is so depressed that he feels ill, because of the women he loves.

            After his sad period, Romeo has a sudden change of heart when he meets Juliet, the love of his life. When Romeo saw Juliet and she saw him, it was love at first sight. They were made for each other. Romeo spontaneously forgets his sad emotions and becomes the happiest man alive. He becomes joyful and peppy as he found his soul mate and marries her. For example in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo says, “Amen, amen. But come what sorrow can, / It cannot countervail the exchange of joy / That one short minute gives me in her sight.” (Shakespeare 2.6. 3-5). Romeo is so deeply in love with Juliet that in one short minute he gets so much happiness and joy from just looking at her. The fact that he can marry and touch her makes Romeo so festive.

            Finally towards the end of the play, Romeo gets banished from Verona, therefore unable to see his love one. Already he feels troubled because of that. But on top, when Balthasar comes to Romeo and tells him Juliet is dead (Romeo was unaware that Juliet was alive but paralyzed with a potion- faking her death) Romeo become furious, angry and sad at the same time. He is devastated with the situation. The one girl that made him joyful is no longer alive. Romeo transforms into something more than sadness- revenge. For example when Romeo just finds out about Juliet’s situation, he quotes- “Is it e’en so?- Then I defy you, stars!- / Thou knowest my lodging. Get me [To Balthasar] ink and paper, / And hire post-horses. I will hence tonight.”(Shakespeare 5.1. 25-27). This clearly states that Romeo is mad at the world, for taking Juliet. It also shows that Romeo wants to hence Juliet’s death. Because Juliet is dead Romeo feels the need to die as consequence.

            Romeo changes extremely throughout the story. At first he is somber because Rosaline does not accept is love. Then Romeo meets Juliet and immediately becomes happy and excited with the world. Every minute he sees Juliet is the best in his life. But like they say every day has its dark, and after Romeo is banished and thinks Juliet is dead he becomes sad, angry and ferocious towards the world. Romeo should have cried out when Balthasar told him and waited a bit before doing anything idiotic, but if you find a soul mate perhaps feelings get more attached. But at their young age, Romeo and Juliet should have slowed things out before straight love and marriage, but maybe people did that back in the day. Romeo was sad, happy, and angry but how did Romeo feel just before death?

Thursday, April 25, 2013


a. Romeo changes  from being sad and devastated, to happy and in love, to dead.
b.Romeo and Juliet , written by William Shakespeare, written 16th Century.
c. Romeo started of by being sad, then he met Juliet and would do anything in the world for her.

Body 1:

-The focus of this paragraph is introducing Romeo. What family, what town, the rivalry of Montegue's vs Capulets.
-"Tybalt: What art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio; look upon thy death (to Benvolio)
-This shows that that both households despise each other and the rivalry has been on for a while.

Body 2:
- This paragraph is to show how Romeo becomes deeply in love with Juliet and will do anything for her
-"Heres to my love. O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die."
-This show that Romeo was so in love he would die for Juliet.

Body 3:
- This paragraph is to show when Romeo was banished, how he acted.
-In this part I will write how Romeo cries to Friar Lawrence about his banishment.

1. If I met a girl, and was deeply in love with her I wouldn't love her that much to die for her. Romeo and Juliet were special. Romeo and Juliet both were each others soul mates, and were in similar situations which made them perfect.
2.The reader should see how Romeo developed from a little innocent bow that's sad, to and Romantic and love-to-death boy, to then  a devastated man who is banished and can't see the girl he loves. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4/18 POST

     With the playoffs right around the corner, every NBA fan is exited to watch the championship games and hope the best for their favorite team. There have been countless arguments on which teams will go to the finals, and more than 50% of NBA fans seem to think the Miami Heat will come up on top (according to the ESPN survey). I decided to write an essay about the Miami Heat, and if they will be able to get another championship under their name.

     The Miami Heat are the defending playoff champions. They won the 2011/12 playoffs against OKC. Miami has the best current record in the League with 65 wins and only 16 losses. Miami have the 3 time MVP freak of nature- LeBron James. James is 29 years old and is considered to be one of the best all-around player to ever play the game. But LeBron is just one feature of the great Miami Heat. Alongside him is D.Wade, one of the best shooting guards in the league, and Chris Bosh, one of the best centers in the NBA. Together James, Wade and Bosh form the big 3 and are considered to be in the top 10 "big 3s" of ALL TIME. But its not just the "Big 3" that get this team to win- its every player on that team. The team as a whole averages almost 50% FG! That's better than any other team! Everyone in Miami including centers can shoot well all around the court and that makes the Heat extremely hard to defend. And that is one of the reasons why NBA fans think that the heat will automatically go on a trip to the playoff finals- think again.

     The New York Knicks out of their 4 match ups against the Heat, have won 3 times and only lost once. The Knicks are currently seeded 2nd in the playoffs and have a high chance of meeting the Heat in the eastern conference finals. The Knicks have Carmelo Anthony, the 2012/13 scoring champion who has really played a major role in all the wins. If the Heat and Knicks meet in the conference finals, will Miami have what it takes to beat "Melo"  and the New York Knicks?
Another team the Heat have to be aware of is the Indiana Pacers. The Pacers have won 2 out of the 3 games played against Miami. The Pacer's defensive effort and 3 point shooting played a major role in the win. The Heat were unable to attack and get good looks. If the Pacers beat the Knicks in the semi finals, they will go against the Heat and Miami will have to be extremely careful.

     In conclusion, LeBron and the Heat can easily beat any team in the east apart from New York and Indiana. If Miami wants to have a shot at gaining another title, they have to beat those to team and only then will they have a shot.