Thursday, April 25, 2013


a. Romeo changes  from being sad and devastated, to happy and in love, to dead.
b.Romeo and Juliet , written by William Shakespeare, written 16th Century.
c. Romeo started of by being sad, then he met Juliet and would do anything in the world for her.

Body 1:

-The focus of this paragraph is introducing Romeo. What family, what town, the rivalry of Montegue's vs Capulets.
-"Tybalt: What art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio; look upon thy death (to Benvolio)
-This shows that that both households despise each other and the rivalry has been on for a while.

Body 2:
- This paragraph is to show how Romeo becomes deeply in love with Juliet and will do anything for her
-"Heres to my love. O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die."
-This show that Romeo was so in love he would die for Juliet.

Body 3:
- This paragraph is to show when Romeo was banished, how he acted.
-In this part I will write how Romeo cries to Friar Lawrence about his banishment.

1. If I met a girl, and was deeply in love with her I wouldn't love her that much to die for her. Romeo and Juliet were special. Romeo and Juliet both were each others soul mates, and were in similar situations which made them perfect.
2.The reader should see how Romeo developed from a little innocent bow that's sad, to and Romantic and love-to-death boy, to then  a devastated man who is banished and can't see the girl he loves. 

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