Monday, June 10, 2013

IWP #2

Text Box: Emile Beniflah     811Concerns and Questions on Adulthood

            Every day since I was a young child, I wondered how it would be like if I were an adult. Living alone, not having help from your parents- all those responsibilities. I always wanted to live away from my mom and dad, and do anything I wanted to. But come to think about it, it will be extremely hard. I think of all these quesions:
-          Will I have enough money to eat good food every day?
-          Where will I live and how will I find a place?
-          Who will I talk to when I have problems?
-          How will I organize trips?
-          How will I manage my money?
-          How will I fix broken things in the house?
-          How will I pay bills?
-          How will I manage my time?
-          Will I think about marriage?
-          How hard will it be to find a job?
-          Who will stop me from doing the wrong decisions?

All these questions make me feel one thing- as much as I want to leave my family and live in my own house, I have so much to learn still. Being able to live alone and get a job is for people who have gone through all stages of education, and there is a reason for that. So I am grateful for still living with my parents. But I also have concerns about High School. How much homework will I get each night? What happens if my grades go down? Will I get in the right college and most of all what career will I pick!?! Hopefully my middle school 8th grade teachers have taught me well enough for the transaction, and I will find myself to be very happy in High school! 

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