Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Edited piece on steve jobs

Reflection on The Man Who Though Different

In Steve Jobs’s Biography, (the man who thought different) Steve Jobs’s co workers seemed to both despise and admire Jobs. Explain.

Steve Jobs (co founder of next, and Apple) was a perfectionist, and that was a key thing for Apple, and their products. Jobs would include such details that really pushed the products to a whole new level! He had such a sense in design that made his products look at the same time futuristic, but also working incredibly too! But Jobs had an unpleasant side too…

Steve Jobs was a man who thought between the lines. He was a man who “thought different”. He could always- a) envision a new idea b) apply it c) then combine his idea into a sort of product (and that product would usually be incredible!)!
For example, Apple was the first company to apply the mouse to a computer! (even though Steve Jobs stole the idea of the mouse from Xerox…)
Jobs and his team would also think of the weirdest and unusual ideas for Mac computers! He really tried and made the Macs as simple as they could get! He made lots of mistakes in his life, but he always tried to get this right! He wanted to make something he would by, so technically he made his products for the people! (except for the ridiculously high price he sold his products!!!)
   Although people might say that Steve Jobs was a pure genius, he was also a mean, selfish, rude man who treated his employees with disrespect. He would yell and often curse at his employees at any idea they had that he was opposed to. Jobs also always had to be the best, he always was right in arguments, and he always had to be the genius. He never shared the credit he got. At the beginning, when apple was first created, every employee was given a number, according to their position, and Jobs was furious when he learned that he had number 2 and Steve Wozniak, co founder of Apple, was number 1. He would then call himself number 0. He would never listen to any advice his co workers gave him. For example, Steve Wozniak told Jobs to put lots of memory on the Macs he created, and Jobs refused to listen to him because he claimed that the computer would "look so dreadful" with more memory on it. This cost a lot to Apple's business, as fewer computers were sold as a result. This shows that Steve Jobs cared mostly about the appearance of his products!
Jobs would also take credit for any great ideas his employees had. All that tension Jobs had with his workers would lead to the reason he got fired from Apple at the age of 30. He would often take advantage of his (so called) friends and sometimes betray them for his own good.

     Jobs spent long periods of time not talking to his friends or worse, his family. For example, his first daughter Lisa, which he did not talk or interact with until she was about 20. Also he would regularly leave his home for weeks or even months without talking to his wife or daughter , and come back one day as if nothing had happened. Jobs had many family issues… 

   Jobs would also inconspicuously take off his car plates and get the closest/best parking spot that was reserved for the handicaps, so when the police came, they couldn't give him a ticket. He was very selfish.

     But with all Jobs's negative traits and social difficulties, people still recognized him as a very smart man who could really change the way we live in. A few years after he got fired from Apple, he was asked to come back and he and his team would then completely revolutionize the world we live in ( e.g creating iphones, ipads, ipods...). He had many issues with his employees, family and co workers, but Jobs really revolutionized phones and ipods. That wouldn't have happened if Jobs hadn't come back.

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