Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

     Everyone in New York City knows that hurricane sandy was a terrific storm that destroyed thousands of house,(which made thousands of people homeless...) and flooded almost all of lower Manhattan, which lead to lack of power. The city was destroyed, and that cost millions of dollars! Hurricane Sandy is one of the most major storms we have had in a long time. But the question that lots of New Yorkers wrangle about is- could this storm have been more prepared?

     One major problem New York City, Long Island along with New Jersey and many more places faced, is the flooding. The flooding was the major issue that destroyed houses, and made thousands of people homeless. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said that the state should consider levee systems (a natural embankment beside water, often use to prevent water from passing the embankment in case of flooding...) and face up to inadequacy of existing protections. He also quotes- "The construction of this city did not anticipate these kind of situations. We are only a few feet above sea level". Because of climate change and global warming, scientists predict that storms like Sandy will come up to 3 times a year, and we need to be prepared. What happened with Sandy can't happen twice. This must be taken extremely seriously.

     But a problem of course in every situation that has ever happened, is the money of course. For Park Slopers and many other neighbourhoods that lay in the high parts of New York City, Sandy was a small problem. But it destroyed many families lives, and to give you an idea of the damage, the rebuilding could cost up to $10 000,000,000!!! This is how much the storm has affected the East Coast! And thus marks the arguement that people dont want to spend EVEN MORE than those 10 billion dollars they already have to pay off!!!

    Never the less, after this harsh experience, at least we have learned that another storm is going to come, and we have to be ready, cause the storm always is.

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