Wednesday, November 14, 2012

After Reading Mause, a graphic novel written by Art Spiegelman the feeling that anyone should feel, is shock, but also terror. Many people are very uneducated about WW2 and what actually happened, but after reading this novel, you can really feel what a Jew at that time period would. A Nazi giving small Jewish children a bomb to play with, and all the children dying, is one example of the shocking things in this book the writer expresses.

Vladek, the main character, tries to hide himeself with his family, from under a garbage disposal, to behind the walls of an attic. These so called bunkers, where Jews would hide in the war, could be as small as a school bathroom, for as many as three families! At one point in the novel, Vladeks former best friend sells him out and tells the Germans where he hid, just for three loaves of bread and a piece of cake. But as Art Spiegelman says in the novel- "it didn't matter if you were best friends with the wealthiest man in poland- when the Germans caught you, and send you to a concentration camp, you were on your own..."

Jews had to find ways to find these bunkers, because many poles would tell Germans if Jews tried to hide near their houses. People did not think of jews as fellow humans, they thought of Jews as animals or filthy creatures. Hitler quoted- "The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human" .  People would think that Jews would come and haunt them or kill them at night, and people started writing stories about them!!! It was terrifying.

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