Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Social awareness

Emile Beniflah 811 11/26/12
Social Awareness Writing Project

Part 3- Find a true story about someone who changes the world every day

Interview with Ms. Demeo

Do you personally think you change the world by teaching?
            “I think that I do in a small way, but honestly if you have ever lived on this planet, you have changed the world. Everyone changes the world in one way”
Why did you choose to teach? Was it something you wanted to do young?         
            “Ever since I was small, it is something I wanted to do. It started at my High School where one of my teachers changed my life, and ever since I really enjoyed teaching”
Do you ever hate your job, and just want to stay home?
            “I think that hate is a very strong word. If you hate something, you should move on. No one should ever feel stuck. If I hated my job, I wouldn’t still be here. Sure it is very tough to deal with children and teachers sometimes, but I don’t hate my job”
If you got 1 million dollars, would you quit your job?
            “At this point in my career, I probably would, because I’m already thinking about retirement, but if it was when I was younger, I think I would have still worked”
Are things in your life that you saw wrong, and that you tried to fix?                   “I think that foreign language is not treated seriously at all in this country, and I try to get students to be interested in this subject”


Ms. Demeo is an admirable person because she dedicated her whole life to teach students, even through hard times. She took foreign languages, a weakness the United States has, which she felt was important, and spent her career trying to fix that problem.

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