Wednesday, November 28, 2012

social awareness

Emile Beniflah 811 11/26/12
Social Awareness Writing Project

Part 5- Write an original literature piece responding to social problem

People die, all the time
Work to stay alive-
What a crime.

People get sick, trying to put up with it
They all work and cry, until they die
If they could get the medicine and pills, they need
Then they wouldn’t be left alone, to bleed

Why in the world can people not have it
Healthcare is something everybody needs,
The medicine is what can answer your plea
So why can people not get it for free-
That is my question

Response to Song

                    I started off by thinking- what is a problem in this country that affects thousands of people, and that our government (at the moment) is treating poorly. As I was brainstorming, it came to me immediately: health. Healthcare is incredibly expensive and so many people cannot afford to buy the medicines they need to keep themselves healthy. It is unfair. I did some research and found that (estimated by Harvard) 45,000 people die without health care insurance. That immediately gave me the urge to write that in the first lines of my song, so the reader wants to learn more, because he/she is shocked. And then I tried to come up with words like bloody to make my song seem more dramatic. The end is supposed to make the reader understand that these people want and need healthcare, but they cannot get it, just because they do not have the money.

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